SWAT Olympics 2024: Results

Greetings, agents!

Following one of the factions emerging victorious, we are now in a position to conclude the Games. Which corporation emerged victorious?

On August 2, 2024, the point-style two-team SWAT Olympics commenced. The Olympics began with a lot of rejuvenation, with plenty of registrations completed in the first several hours. The Olympics were divided into two rounds or stages. On September 10, the Olympiad finished.

Score: 550-200, in favor of the Antaeus Corporation

The SWAT Corporation congratulates the Antaeus Corporation for emerging as the victorious faction in the Games 2024. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Frontier Corporation for participating in the Games with resilience this year. In conclusion, the two factions have proven themselves in gaming very well. And, we are pleased to integrate gaming into the community in a challenging yet fun way possible.

A glimpse of the SWAT Olympics 2024
A battle between FBI VN and Swat Princess in Sploop.io in the SWAT Olympics 2024

The score, participants, and game history have been included in the following Google Sheets spreadsheet…

Closing Ceremony

Please note that a special event is being organized to commemorate the closure of the 2024 Games. Exactly 24 hours from when this article was posted, on Thursday, September 11, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC, the closing ceremony will be hosted. The event will take place on Club Penguin Army Battleground on the Battleground server. We will take our seats at the Snow Forts. We hope to see you there!

Thank you!
The SWAT Corporation

SWAT Olympics 2024

Greetings, agents!

The Special Weapons and Tactics of Club Penguin officially introduce the Games 2024. The Olympiad this year was a result of a previous error. Find all relevant information about the Olympics in this article.

In May 2023, SWAT attempted to host its first Olympics edition. The preparations and teams were set, and the games were almost about to begin. However, plans faltered when war struck against SWAT. Moreover, beautifully crafted medals were never given. As a result, today we are in an esteemed position to reconstruct the Olympics. This may not have been possible without the inspiration of the ongoing Paris 2024 Olympics.


There will be two factions or corporations—Antaeus and Frontier. These two will compete against each other in each match. The Olympics will be a score-based tournament where the two factions compete on the leaderboard. The faction with the highest score will win. The scoring system has been explained below…

  • Win: +150 points
  • Tie: +100 points
  • Lose: +50 points
  • Forfeit: -50 points

The factions will have one leader who will choose one player from their faction for each game. This means that one player from each faction will compete against each other in a match. One match is played for a single game. The time of each match is mutually agreed to. If one does not show up at the time of the match or chooses to leave, the action will be considered forfeit. This will result in the deduction of points for the team as mentioned above.

  • Cheating in any way is prohibited during a game. It will result in an automatic defeat in the game with a deduction of 100 points.
  • Visitors from CPA are allowed to visit the Olympics.
  • The leader of the factions will be decided through an internal vote.

About the Factions

The Antaeus Corporation and the Frontier Corporation are the two chosen factions for SWAT Olympics 2024. This has been predetermined, for SWAT is not currently in a position to have custom teams. These factions have been inspired by the game Tanki X, the historical counterpart of Tanki Online. In 2019, Tanki X was discontinued. The SWAT Olympics shall leave nostalgic hallmarks on the game. Learn more about Tanki X.

The SWAT Corporation wishes the best to both factions.
Let the Games begin!

Thank you!
The SWAT Corporation