04/03/23 (UK) Battle vs ACP

Mission Incoming: 40%……67%….100% complete

Today, SWAT logged onto CPAB to face the Army of Club Penguin for a battle. However, to challenge ourselves, we both invaded land while attacking. Let’s see how it went!

Maximum: 22

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Friday, Invasion of Summit 03/03/23 (UK)

100% complete. Mission Received

On Friday, we took to CPAB to invade Summit. We marched on with guitars in our hands and successfully invaded Summit. Let’s see how this went!


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28/02/22 Ausia invasion of Fortress

100% Mission Complete!

Today, SWAT took to the Fortress to invade this undefended piece of land that we once owned and named. We invaded this successfully, fortress is now ours!

Maximum: 14

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Agent of the Week 19-25/02/23

A week has gone by and now we see a new Agent of the week being crowned along with other OTW’s. Let’s find out who has won it this week!

Well, this week agents, old and new have been battling it out to try and grab the ‘OTW titles. We saw SWAT hold 3 events during the week. Starting our week on Tuesday, we held an ausia u-lead, followed by a training event on Wednesday. To end the week, we held an invasion to increase the amount of land we have.

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Agent Of The Week Interview

Come on in, sit down and relax as we dive into our first interview post of the year. This time, we are bringing back an old section where we interview our agents of the week.

There have many Agents of the Weeks over the years, however, this one has been working hard from the start and they are working hard to make an impact on the community within SWAT. We decided to interview our AOTW ZOOY.

Zooy was SWAT’s Agent of the Week for the 12-18th of February, also known as the second week of the war. They uploaded a message in SWAT’s announcement channel after receiving this award. They said:

Uh thank you for the award, it means a lot! I did not think I would get the award considering I only joined the server back a few weeks ago. Thank you person who chose me!

Also thank you to all my friends who got on even though they were definitely busy or sleeping. Hopefully, SWAT continues to have an awesome and kind community. I’m so happy when I found out SWAT existed, and when I rejoined everyone just felt so welcoming.

The past few days have been so fun and it reminded me of the old days of SWAT. But, now we can focus on improving the new days of SWAT! I am going to try to continue being active and contribute not just in the events but in the community, my dream is to expand SWAT and make it super fun! So thinking about this felt like a good time to announce that I am currently coding a really hopefully cool SWAT-themed game for SWAT that’ll include all SWAT players who want to be in it and I might post teasers once in a while! (Just saying… you should totallyyyy be part of my game)

I believe that with enough determination we can win! But not just winning on the leaderboard but winning the imaginary award of greatest community!

Now… I think I am going to take a nap SWAT practice session. (Totally.) I think that anyone can win the award if they just believe in themselves and make the community better, but the award shouldn’t be the main goal; It should be making others happier. Thank you to everyone who have participated in SWAT before, everyone who is participating in SWAT, and to you for reading this really long message

They seem to be enthusiastic about being back in SWAT but let’s hear what they have to say when we interviewed them

You were recently awarded Agent Of The Week, what did getting this mean to you?

It meant a lot to me and made me feel that SWAT is still super amazing, it also made me very nostalgic for the times I used to be part of SWAT. But I was also very surprised considering how little I was on for before getting AOTW.

How has the journey been so far and where do you see yourself and SWAT in 6 months time?

It’s been really fun and the community has been extremely welcoming. I think in 6 months…. I would’ve finished my SWAT game by then and I think in 6 months I’d be able to get to Staff ranks know the community better.

What has your best moment in SWAT been so far and why?

When I convinced my friends to hop on, It felt like I was introducing them to such a big part of my childhood game and also felt like I could make memories with them in SWAT.

How do you think someone who hasn’t earned Agent of The Week can gain this title?

Yeah… I’m thinking I should give it to the next one. Maybe courbyy cause his formations and tactics are great by helping SWAT Rulers in Event and Battle and War should give Courbyy a Chance to get Agent Of The Week!

What’s your favorite game to play at the moment?

My Hello Kitty Cafe, CPAB, and Minecraft

Do you have anything to say to those reading this interview for future SWAT Rulers?

If you just participate in SWAT a lot you can pretty much reach heights you’d never think you could reach! Also, don’t participate and be nice in the community just for the award, But to do it because it’s good. Pandas and penguins are my favorite animals.

That’s the end of the interview! Thanks to Zooy for letting us take up some of their time for this interview. It’s surprising what you learn about people. I’m sure there’s a lot more to learn both about Zooy and the whole SWAT team! Our message to the troops: work hard to and even you can achieve AOTW, See you next time!

SWAT Training, Hailing Hills Captured

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Today, we logged onto CPAB to invade Hailing Hills but we also trained to take advantage of what happened during the war and work on our strengths and weaknesses.

Maximum: 24

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(UK) 22/02/23 Training Event

Loading 30%… loading 50%…loading 100% Mission complete

On Wednesday, we held a training event to look at some of the things that we needed to improve upon from the war with RPF. While tackling these things, we improved the skills of many troops and the quality of our events. From the cleanliness of forms to tactics, here’s how it went!

Maximum: 18

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21/02/23 Ausia U-lead!

Loading 20%…L-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa—ding 50%…loading 100%. Misson Complete

On Tuesday, we held an ausia U-lead where YOU were the people who were leading. We had many different troops and even a visitor leading. We saw creativity and fun at the forefront of this event which is amazing to see. Let’s see what happened and some of the best moments!

Maximum: 20

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(UK) Invasion of Glacier 18/02/23

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Today, SWAT logged onto Klondike on CPAB to invade Glacier once again as we aimed to take the server from RPF. This battle, however, proved to be extremely close. The judges deemed this as a 0-1-2 win to RPF, however, we know that we performed like winners and want to thank each and every person who showed up today to help us out in any and all ways that you could. You make each and every day in SWAT possible so keep it up!

Maximum: 32

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Defense of Oblivion (US) 17/02/23

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Today, SWAT logged onto CPAB to defend our land, Oblivion, against RPF once more. Let’s find our who won during this hard-fought battle.

Well, unfortunately, we didn’t do enough to win during this battle, however, we did well and aim to do MUCH better. Let’s go out tomorrow and invade Glacier and win! Taking their land away from them once and for all!


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