Hello, August 2024!

Greetings, agents!

The Special Weapons and Tactics have entered a month yet to be proven with satisfaction. Following multiple changes in the army, we are thrilled to announce a few great leaps.

Music Jam (August 2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Concluding Season 8
  2. Introducing Season 9
  3. Music Jam 2024
  4. SWAT Bot Events V2
  5. Reintroduction of Staff Conferences
  6. Website Updates
  7. Discord Server Updates

1. Concluding Season 8

Season 8 comes to an end. Operation: Puffle was a successful season, though no one was able to complete all the missions. The winner is Zooy, who had the most progress by the end of the month. Congratulations, Zooy! WilliamW2010 was also very close, too. We are pleased to see their consistent support in the community. Surprisingly, the month did not have a sufficient month of season drops.

Zooy’s medal

2. Introducing Season 9

As the stage for August 2024 sets, the SWAT Corporation is pleased to announce the Music Jam 2024! Looking at community interest in music, we introduce you to the ninth season of SWAT. The Music Jam will be a blast, looking at what we have planned! Event names will seem familiar to music enthusiasts. If you are not a fan of music, no worries. You might discover your interest in music. We will be increasing the uptime of the SWAT Music Discord bot. Moreover, we are developing more Spotify playlists to keep you rejuvenated.

The thumbnail of the ninth season.

We have also improved the design of our season thumbnail. The colors used are now adaptive, and the SWAT watermark is placed differently. What remains unchanged is your consistent motivation.

3. Music Jam 2024

Following the introduction of Season 9, we are delighted to present you Music Jam 2024! Special events will be themed on the Music Jam. Additionally, we are brewing up plenty of surprises that will be delivered to you soon. More information will be added in a future post. Stay tuned!

Music Jam 2024 @ SWAT

4. SWAT Bot Events V2

In the July 2024 Monthly Newsletter, we stated that Events V2 will be released very soon. We are pleased to announce the release of SWAT Bot Events V2! The new system of event handling in SWAT Bot is much more smarter and convenient. It also produces beautiful responses and allows you to control events from only a single command.

Type the .event command on our Discord server to check it out!
An event will be hosted very soon to experiment with the new command.

5. Reintroduction of Staff Conferences

We are reintroducing monthly staff conferences. Our last successful staff meeting was in November 2023. We want to re-establish the anticipated monthly routine for the members of the SWAT Corporation. Multiple predetermined topics will be discussed at these conferences, and everyone will have a chance to voice their thoughts about them.

SWAT’s last staff meeting was hosted in November 2023.

Our next staff conference is on Sunday, August 4, 2024, before an event that has been scheduled for that day. Guests may request permission to attend!

6. Website Updates

Recently, multiple website changes took place. Outdated Discord invite links were replaced with newer and permanent ones. And, the sidebars were updated with correct and cleaner information. Moreover, website privileges have been updated. Individuals who no longer serve in the army have their roles revoked, and certain present staff members have received permission on the website.

We will soon repair broken styles on our website and improve the interface. Stay on the lookout!

7. Discord Server Updates

We have started purging a long list of outdated or old roles. This includes merit roles. The members of these roles will be saved for trusted citation in the future. Additionally, we have been cleaning up the channel list. We are also planning to merge guide channels into one forum channel. Furthermore, we have been actively removing unused channels and reordering the remaining ones. With the concept of having more relevant channels at the top, navigation within our Discord server should become much easier.

We appreciate your active participation throughout July. The month was wholesome, and we deeply emphasize your efforts. We hope to bring you the best in the coming month.

Thank you!
The SWAT Corporation

Hello, July 2024!

Greetings, agents!

The SWAT Corporation presents you with the eighth season. As July continues and the 15th Anniversary Event concludes, we are pleased to inform you of several changes in SWAT over the past month.

Season 8: Operation: Puffle banner

Table of Contents

  1. Rewind: SWAT’s 15th Anniversary
  2. Concluding Season 7
  3. Introducing Season 8
  4. Events V2
  5. Empowering Recruiting
  6. SWAT on Spotify

Rewind: SWAT’s 15th Anniversary

On June 30th, the 15th Anniversary Week kicked off. The week saw 5 events with game nights and activities. After the week ended, on Sunday, SWAT hosted its 15th Anniversary Event, finishing the occasion. SWAT acquired a max of 20 at the Anniversary Event! Learn more about what happened

The last tactic of the Anniversary Event. SWAT is in the scatter formation.

Concluding Season 7

Season 8, titled Season: Drive, went like any other season. The winner managed to complete all missions first, being time-bound. This fortunate individual was Leader-in-Training Zooy, who has claimed the Agent of the Month title for June 2024! Congratulations, Zooy! We thank everyone else who participated in the season. The story behind Season 7 will be posted soon, once we clear the backlog of past pending stories.

Zooy‘s medal

Introducing Season 8

Here it is—another attack. The cause is rumored to be Herbert. Puffles are lost around the island, while chaos and medical emergencies flourish. What is next?

Season 8: Operation: Puffle banner

Events V2

Events V2 will be deploying very soon to SWAT Bot! It shall ease the work of the SWAT Corporation and make event management and accessibility much more convenient. Currently, Events V1 certainly is adaptive to Club Penguin private servers, but not fully. Commands could be made more smarter and functionality could be interlinked. Some of the changes are highlighted below…

  • One command for a suite of event commands
  • Schedule, view, and manage multiple events at once
  • Faster and priority-based response time
  • Ability to cancel or end events without issues
  • Smarter, aesthetic, and easy-to-read responses
  • Easy room detection using room shorthands
  • Rewarding event attendees with a sum of coins
  • More flags for increased flexibility.

Empowering Recruiting

Members of the SWAT Corporation have been actively working towards recruiting and enlisting. These two tasks are one of the most fundamental duties, notably known for upkeeping future generations of the community. We have now adjusted monthly staff member requirements and have made several changes to our staff team.

Recruitment Profiles is another initiative we have brought forward. These are pre-made ready-to-use Discord accounts that can be used for recruitment purposes.

SWAT on Spotify

Spotify logo

By the end of June, SWAT troops noticed a special Discord channel named #swat-music-board. Although the purpose was rumored to be unknown, its actual purpose was finally discovered during the Anniversary Week on July 4th, 2024. SWAT troops also noticed SWAT’s inclination to music over the past month.

Considering the large number of Spotify users around SWAT’s community, we are now available on Spotify! We will occasionally create beautiful music playlists to keep you chill. Spotify is a freemium platform for streaming and listening to millions of music and songs.

Thank you everyone for participating over the past month! Let us look at another beautiful month ahead, while we continually strive for progress.

Thank you!
The SWAT Corporation

Hello, June 2024!

Hello, agents!

Do you possess the readiness to enter into a fascinating month? The month is expected to be filled with plenty of activities. Will this eventful month turn the tables?

Table of Contents

  1. “My Message”
  2. Concluding Season 6
  3. Introducing Season 7
  4. The Birth of SWAT AI
  5. The Pride Month
  6. New Exclusive SWAT CPAB Background
  7. Second Division Tournament
  8. SWAT Discord Bot Updates

1. “My Message”

“It is not to my surprise that we have not been consistent enough over the course of the few months. I have been assigned leadership for helping SWAT rise back. SWAT fell in 2023, and this task is not just mine to bring it back. We try to incorporate enjoyable events, but it requires cooperation from you. We do request you to pursue attending events priority, as well as helping out others to do the same. We want you to have a loyal spirit in yourself and make SWAT feel like home, not obligation. You are not being obligated to do something, you are being given an opportunity to do something.”

Fun X Time
SWAT Commander-in-Chief

2. Concluding Season 6

Season 6 might have been too difficult for some. Since no one could complete all the missions, we selected the one who had the most progress, in percentage. Please congratulate Fun X Time for making the most progress. They are now the Agent of the Month.

Fun X Time’s Agent of the Month medal

3. Introducing Season 7

The Puffle Party caught the eyes of many. We now introduce you to Season 7: Culture Drive, where we embrace qualities of one another and accept differences, while we continue our exploration of new experiences.

The thumbnail of the season
The banner of the season

4. The Birth of SWAT AI

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, an unseen, peculiar character was found interacting in SWAT’s general chat. Unaware of what it was, some people began fostering relationships with it. This character was the SWAT AI Discord Bot!

SWAT AI is a new Discord bot that fits in pairs with the SWAT Discord Bot. Shapes, Inc. powers this Discord bot and operates on llama 3 instruct. We may change the AI engine to OpenAI GPT-4o very soon. We have been consistently training the chatbot with knowledge related to SWAT Bot, and have also put plenty of security measures in place, including CPA diplomacy protection. The chatbot has engaged many agents since its arrival. It seems that it has fit into the community very well!

5. The Pride Month

It is June! We wish a happy pride month to those who celebrate it! SWAT has respected the LGBTQIA+ community for several years, and we will continue the same practice. In view of this joyous event, we have also set up a new Discord server avatar, an age-old tradition we have been following.

Designed by SWAT Advisor Legoman

6. New Exclusive SWAT CPAB Background

SWAT will officially publish its own Club Penguin Army Battleground (CPAB) background that you can use on your profile in-game! The background can be added to your inventory by using the !ai 50036 command in the game. You can also use the !army SWAT command and add it to your inventory. Using the !army SWAT command will automatically make you equip the background in-game.

SWAT’s CPAB background

Feedback about the background is appreciated. Any change in the background will reflect all players possessing the background item!

7. Second Division Tournament

In March 2024, the SWAT Corporation administered its first division tournament, Radiant Rivalry. This month, too, we plan to host a division tournament. This month will see a more rejuvenated division tournament, with opportunities to host practice battles and training events.

8. SWAT Discord Bot Updates

Recently, the SWAT Discord Bot underwent several changes, most of which concern the SWAT Corporation. These changes have been highlighted in this article.

  • The staff command has been reworked. Staff members now have access to an expanded panel of controllers and subcommands.
  • The Bot Staff Leveling system has been implemented. Privileges of staff members are now determined by their rank in the bot, which corresponds to a number. The ranks are None (0), Helper (1), Moderator (2), Administrator (3), Developer (4). This has greatly improved security while making it easier to control staff.
  • Event countdowns have been reworked.
  • Event mapping systems have been reworked.
  • Staff salaries are now being paid out to members of the SWAT Corporation.
  • The feedback command has been added. Anonymous feedback is also supported and can be achieved using the slash command variant.
  • The help command has been reworked.
  • SWAT Bot’s logging system has been enhanced.
  • SWAT Bot’s status has been slightly updated.
  • Minor bug fixes have taken place.

Please note that a few issues concerning the economy, particularly the shop and the items, will be attended to as soon as possible. We discourage you from accessing the shop during this time. If you face any issues anyway, please let us know. We will refund any amount that has been incorrectly removed.

Thanks for partaking in our beautiful community! We have prepared a lot of activities for the month ahead! Enjoy!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!