Since the dawn of armies, SWAT and ACP have been at odds over the server of Mammoth and it’s been passed back and to between the 2 armies. However, now the ALMIGHTY MAMMOTH HAS RETURNED HOME from its scavage and will now take its place as SWAT’S capital once more. THE HOLY GRAIL OF SWAT IS HERE!

May 6th 2012
January 12th 2012 vs ACP
One of the first times we took mammoth
Created by SWAT leader, L90

From generation to generation, SWAT has always fought to keep Mammoth from everyone, not just ACP. This time will be no different, we will stand tall and march for Mammoth during our next event and we will never give up easily. Mammoth is our capital and we will honour its legacy! We shall start restoring Mammoth by hosting battles, marches and much more on CPAB.

Alongside Mammoth, we have reclaimed Cozy, Outback, Fiesta and Ice Cold!

To look at the full map click here

“We revisit those places where we experienced love, as pilgrims return to holy places, to be reminded, restored, and reaffirmed by them.”

“As I travel along in this world, I’m in awe of many things, like the colours I see in autumn or the flowers that bloom in spring. To me, there is no kind of awesome that any but home can bring, like returning to wake in my old bed to hear the birds sweetly sing.”

Our birth server, Mammoth is ours once again. Feel free to roam around and patrol Mammoth any time you like! FOR MAMMOTH!

  1. Suck it…. – Dwain
  2. FOR MAMMOTH! – Ganger
  3. Glad to see mammoth back in the hands of SWAT 💪 – Aaronstone
  4. Congratulations on reclaiming Mammoth! :biasalute: -IceQueen

We must keep growing, we need everyone to keep recruiting, joining events, learning, being active, helping each other out, making sure new recruits are told what we do here and hyping for events. We need to do this together for alone we are just a spec of dust but together we are an undeniable team! We are SWAT! SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS

Click Here to get linked to our next event and Here for our next battle
