✪】AUSIA Lifeguard Takeover

Special Weapons and Tactics held an AUSIA event on Tuesday, June 22nd. During the event, the army decided to change up the uniform by wearing the lifeguard shirt from the catalog. While the troops were taking over the map wearing their lifeguard shirts, they were practicing formation changes and holding word tactics. This AUSIA event was a successful takeover. Read more to see a recap of the event!

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✪】SWAT Summer Takeover

On June 21, Special Weapons and Tactics held a SWAT Summer Takeover event. The event consisted of the team having their training at fun summer spots on Clubpenguin! The event was successful and the team did a great job with Keep reading to see the recap of what occured.

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:swatgreenalert:  ATTENTION AGENTS :swatgreenalert: On Wednesday, June 23rd we will be going up against Help Force. We need everyone there in order to win this battle! Hope to see you all there!

:swatsalute::HFsalute:BATTLE VS HELP FORCE :HFsalute: :swatsalute:
》Wednesday, June 23rd《
:clockncp: ᴛɪᴍᴇ? :clockncp:
:newcpuk~1:8:00 PM BST:newcpuk~1:
:newcpus~1: 3:00 PM EST:newcpus~1:
:newcpus~1:2:00 PM CST:newcpus~1:
:newcpus~1:1:00 PM MST:newcpus~1:
:newcpus~1:12:00 PM PST:newcpus~1:
:star:12:30 AM IST:star:
:newcpau~1:3:00 AM SGT:newcpau~1:
:newcpau~1:7:00 AM NZ:newcpau~1:
MISSION: Win the battle against Help Force and reach our online goal!
REWARDS: Promotions+ $900 bot cash +15PTS for Agents of the Week

✪】Battle VS RPF

Today, Special Weapons and Tactics went up against their allies, Rebel Penguin Federation. The event was definitely a fun challenging one and excited everyone. Here’s a recap of it!

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✪】AUSIA Training

On Friday, June 18th Special Weapons and Tactics held an AUSIA training event for the Morning Warriors. During this event it helped prepare the AUSIA members get their training of the week for their upcoming battles.

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✪】SWAT Legends Cup Training

Today, Special Weapons and Tactics held an event to prepare them for the huge historical Legends Cup Tournament coming up within the next week. The army worked on clean formations, holding their word tactics, room switches, and more! This training was extremely successful and it made the team stronger for the upcoming tournament! Read more to see a recap of what occured at the event.

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✪】Defense of Tuxedo

On Thursday, June 10th Special Weapons and Tactics were battling up against Silver Empire to defend their land Tuxedo. The army fought hard and everyone had a lot of fun during the battle!

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SWAT Art Gallery

Hello Special Weapons and Tactics! Over the last few weeks, we were having a fun art submission going on within the army. People showed off their amazing artistic skills and worked incredibly hard on them. Keep reading more to see the art pieces the members created!

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AUSIA FW Battle 6/11/21

✪】 Attention agents:

Today, June 11, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team logged in to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent to battle the Fire Warriors! A huge thank you to all of the true and courageous SWAT agents who assisted us on our successful endeavor on the battlefield. This battle was completely one-sided, even going as far to have our opponents log off in the shame of defeat as we continued to stave on triumphantly. SWAT is unquestioned. SWAT Family Forever.

Max: 18, Avg: 16

✪】 End Transmission.


SWAT Commander-in-Chief

✪】AUSIA Training 5/28/21

✪】Attention agents:

Today, May 28, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team logged in to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent for a reinforcement of the strength of the SWAT AUSIA Division. A massive thank you to all of the courageous agents who assisted us on our mission. SWAT Family Forever.

Max: 17, Avg: 15

✪】End Transmission.


SWAT Commander-in-Chief