9/24 Training Event

The Defense of White Out turned into a training event due to lack of judges. SWAT logged on at 4PM EST for a training instead.

Max: 26

SWAT entered their first room, Iceberg.

Moving onto the next room, the Cove was a good room to help spread out and clean up their formations.

Last room was Inside the Mine and SWAT gained more troops. In this room, they tried new formations such as upside down triangle and Y formation.

SWAT next event is in a couple of hours, the Invasion of Fiesta.


9/23 Defense of Cozy vs. WV

Another day, another SWAT vs Water Vikings (WV) battle. Today SWAT logged onto the Klondike server to defend the land COZY at 3:00 PM EST. SWAT changed their uniforms to commemorate Alberto.

Max: 26

SWAT entered the first room, Inside Mine.

Room 2, SWAT entered the Iceberg.

The final room SWAT entered was the Snow Forts.

After a tough battle, WV gained the land COZY due to a 12+ size difference. Tomorrow, SWAT will be entering another battle against WV to gain back FIESTA.


9/22 Invasion of Ice Cave [VICTORY]

After an amazing Ausia event win, SWAT logged on at 7:00 PM EST to invade Water Viking’s land, ICE CAVE. The SWAT and WV war has been going on for quite some time now, we wanted to make events fun again. So we decided to do an amBUSH event and dressed up in bush disguises. WV copied the idea and changed their uniform into squids.

Max: 30

In Room 1, SWAT entered inside the Mine first and was able to cover WV with their faster tactics.

SWAT did not give up their stamina in room 2. They were able to be the first to enter the Iceberg. WV bombs and tactics were covered giving SWAT the W in this room.

With two strong rooms completed, SWAT entered the final room, Snow Forts. WV did pick it back up in the third room but not enough for a win, concluding the room to count as a TIE.

With SWAT winning two rooms, they have successfully invaded Ice Cave.


SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics

SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics!

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) is a colossal community and Club Penguin army, engaged in gaming and believing in being social. We hold events on a wide range of games, notably including Club Penguin.

The army was founded on July 7th, 2009 by Ganger90. It was once a group of rogues belonging to the legendary server Mammoth at Snow Forts. Today, it is a large community with over 9,000 members with which to interact!

Diverse gaming
Our objective to explore a world of unmetered gaming continues.

Monthly, SWAT runs a themed event with missions to complete and compete in!

Supportive staff
Staff at SWAT are greatly supportive, and provide timely and quality assistance when needed!

At SWAT, you can pursue communication, leadership skills, and stress management!


Update: New & accurate Allies/Enemies + battle schedule updated. Freezie has also asked me personally to delete the screenshot of him begging to spare Andrew’s soft IW. Because Freezie is a close friend of mine, I respect his decision to keep this conversation we had confidential. But we all saw & know who’s really afraid. Isn’t really a question. Anyways I shaved down all the cancelled invasions, shaved down the useless capping allies and now since Drew has childishly taken shots at me for trying to improve my life by removing myself from high school at 18 to go get help so I can stay alive, IW will get an extra hard beating on Saturday. Unfortunately for drew and a lot of his squad, sitting in the basement on the computer is the only real quality of life they have. I pity them, but at the same time when I work 40 hours a week & count my bread and do this literally whenever I have free time I’m willing to spare and still can get this army to 50+ in my sleep, it really just makes me laugh. Andrew & those kids at IW won’t ever know what real life is until they leave their stinky rooms and breathe in some fresh air. Better hurry up guys, Ubering the rest of your life ain’t fun, just ask Elm. Anyways, I was able to find some common ground with Freezie, and a new rule has been implemented way further ahead of schedule thanks to me, preventing armies from transferring servers and running away like women when I invade their servers. In a matter of minutes, I helped get a rule change done you were waiting on for weeks in literally two minutes. Just goes to show how much of a joke this has been lol, hopefully we’re on the way to change. That is the goal. The details are below. Death to IW, NDA stronk

I gave you a chance, you’ve chosen death instead. This will be quick. You should have just given me Mammoth, your funeral. 🙂

SWAT & The New Dawn Alliance officially declare war on the Ice Warriors.

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Explaining The Move

Directly after I moved the SWAT Discord server I was getting quite possibly, hundreds of direct messages from SWAT members – and rightfully so. I couldn’t fill you all in before the move, and many of you still have no idea what’s going on. The main reason we did this? Zuke.

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Tactics Session [4/30/20]

Hello SWAT!

We have been training hard lately to perfect our tactics, formations, and all together cohesiveness as an army and today was no different. We maxed 50 today which was impressive and our tactics are getting cleaner and more precise. As someone who has been in this new generation of SWAT since the very first event I am so proud of all the outstanding efforts made by all our members ranging from agents to commanders. You can see how far we have come as an army and I am so proud of us and I can not wait to see what the future has in store. SWAT FOREVER, this is my family. 

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Training Session [4/28/20]

Hello SWAT!

After the war server battles that happened this past, Sunday we were looking forward to a training where we could practice our tactics, room changes, and formations! We keep showing that we can have strong and consistent numbers and that we have big things in store for SWAT. We have been growing and recruiting like crazy and it can be seen in our higher numbers and loyal members attending our events.

We maxed 45+ and averaged 40.

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[AUSIA] Training [4/27/19]

Hello SWAT!

This was our 3rd AUSIA event that the new generation of SWAT has hosted so far, and I am so proud of the progress we have made. Our AUSIA commanders are training and working so hard at recruiting that improvement can be seen. This was our first event after Cargo retired and we made sure to pay tribute to him. Read below for pictures.

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Well, this has been a pretty fun four weeks or so.

Basically, I’m here to say that I’ll be stepping down from my leader position and passing my torch onto the new generation. I wanted to stay until you guys were in a sufficient enough spot where I thought you all would be fine on your own, and I believe you all are now in good hands. The leaders, owners, and mods are all superb and put in so much work on a daily basis, it’s really impressive.

I was genuinely surprised at how well we did from the start. It was crazy how we made such a huge rise so suddenly. I mean on our very first event we got almost 50 with less 24 hours notice, which is really unheard of.

It’s been a seriously fun ride, I was just here making memes while taking it semi-seriously like I do usually and we managed to create something awesome. All of you guys are genuinely awesome people and troops, and I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time here.

I cba making lengthy retirement posts, I have more fun meme’ing instead so I’ll end it off like so.

Just remember, SWAT is forever

p.s.: Stop saying SWAT means scargo wants a taco, I said that ONCE as a meme, please stop, it’s literally the unfunniest thing I’ve ever said in my life.

Also Unfinished Business was the worst motto ever thought of. Unchained >>>>>> Unfinished business.

Bad Edit: Thats cus we finished the business u bozo but gonna miss u okthnxlybye

Signing off,

~S Cargo2, Former SWAT Leader/Legend