SWAT Story: Season 4: The Avalanche

The great community of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) presents you with the fourth edition of Club Penguin stories. This post unravels the story of a tragic blackout caused by an opposition who had returned.

Please note that this is a story inspired by Club Penguin. It is not the actual story. It may contain scenes from Club Penguin and may be rephrased or reordered.

Previous in Series: SWAT Story: Season 3: Near North

Season 4: The Avalanche

“An avalanche has occurred near the mountains. What was the cause behind it? No information is clear. It caused a tremendous shock in all parts around the island. The Forest appears to be elevated with more snow. The Snow Forts are now left with just snow. A lot of snow has accumulated near the town. Even more fascinating, I left my coffee in the Coffee Shop!”

As the EPF agents continued watching breaking news on the television, SWAT agents felt rejuvenated looking at all the devastation. They felt that something had to be done. Effective almost immediately, SWAT agents lowered the density of snow at the Forest, built new and better forts at the Snow Forts, and most importantly, dug out the Coffee Shop to let the reporter have his moment with some coffee. On the Spy Phone, Aunt Arctic broadcasted to all agents, from both EPF and SWAT, to immediately track down the source of the avalanche. The Director also wanted to find out what caused this tragic avalanche. A SWAT agent reported that while they were digging out snow, they found a few holes around the island. Everyone was deeply concerned. No one was convinced for this fact to be true.

Curiosity aroused among the team. “We are not sure who has been drilling these tunnels underground, yet,” asserted the Director, “However, you will show your perseverance after you have brought your excellency into communication.”

To be continued with Season 5 on April 31st, 2024.

SWAT Story: Season 3: Near North

The great community of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) presents you with the third edition of Club Penguin stories. This post unravels the story of a tragic blackout caused by an opposition who had returned.

Please note that this is a story inspired from Club Penguin. It is not the actual story. It may contain scenes from Club Penguin, and may be rephrased or reordered.

Previous in Series: SWAT Story: Season 2: The Luminescence

Season 3: Near North

Sensei is an ordinary penguin. He felt quite lonely in Town. He left for the mountains. The mountains were located near the northern mountains of Club Penguin Island. He met Tusk, and thereafter used to spend a lot of time with his new friend. They used to play snow fights together.

One day, when Tusk made a snow penguin, Sensei made a snow statue of the future dojo. Tusk seemed bitter at this, sensing Sensei would later become more involved in it and that Sensei was better at this than he. He became jealous and angry. Sensei and Tusk trained to master the elements together. They dreamed of standing side by side, leading and training future ninja penguins. He and Sensei were friends, but their relationship had a competitive side. Tusk could not master the delicate moves of Sensei. They chose to have a battle on a snowy cliff. Tusk instigated it by throwing a snowball at Sensei, who threw Tusk against a wall with snow. Tusk used his power to create an enormous snowball, displaying his true power over snow. He threw it at Sensei, but once it hit him, Sensei used the power in the ball and threw it back. The force of Tusk hitting the wall caused an avalanche, in which Tusk was buried and trapped in a cave in the side of the mountain. Sensei looked for him, but found only a piece of his tusk. He departed sadly, and vowed to teach Card-Jitsu to penguins so they could use the elements wisely. Tusk presumed Sensei had left not caring for him, and turned bitter. He sadly sat buried in the snow, then began to dig himself out.

Learning from this tragic incident, Sensei set off to open the Dojo. He found and settled at a perfect location on the Mountain. As he looked at the beautiful landscape from the Mountain, he saw the entire island from a great height. He also enjoyed the northern lights, or auroras. He completed the task anonymously. He hid himself there, and mastered the elements. Soon, the Great Storm of 2008 hit the island. In response to the storm, Sensei dug out the Dojo. Several penguins joined in the task and assisted Sensei, although none was aware of his identity.

Meanwhile, on the island, chaos riddled as the storm ascended to several regions. EPF calls SWAT to resolve several tragedies that have occurred on the island due to the storm. “We need to dig out some penguins from the mountain,” said the Director, “We need to put water on fire that has lit across several locations on the island.” The agents agreed to fulfill this responsibility carefully. The Director sends several EPF agents, as well. The agents put water on fire, and fire on snow. Sensei was greatly educated from this news.

Sensei ought to dig out the Dojo, and allows penguins to be trained. He helps the penguins master the elements. During the reconstruction of the Dojo, none was aware of his identity. They continue to help this stranger. He has made new friends. Sensei portrays his experience and claims that he has had a long journey near north!

To be continued with Season 4 on 31st March 2024.

SWAT Story: Season 2: The Luminescence

The great community of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) presents you the second edition of Club Penguin stories. This post unravels the story of a tragic blackout caused by an opposition who had returned.

Please note that this is a story inspired from Club Penguin. It is not the actual story. It may contain scenes from Club Penguin, and may be rephrased or reordered.

Next in Series: SWAT Story: Season 3: Near North
Previous in Series: SWAT Story: Season 1: Operation: Blackout

Season 2: The Luminescence

It is the first dawn of the month of January 2024 and the year 2024 itself! Snow is everywhere. It is not as cold as it was under Herbert‘s tyranny of Club Penguin Island, though!

“My lamp,” exclaimed Aunt Arctic aloud. Filled with hysteria, Aunt Arctic immediately reports another case to the EPF. At the Book Room, there is one beautiful lamp that provides Aunt Arctic the luminescence she needs to author creative newspapers and other literary works. Without it, Aunt Arctic feels like she is lone in the room. The lamp is a great companion to her, and holds history. Every festival has experienced the lamp taking up roles in most scenes. The lamp has met puffles, the lamp has climbed mountains together, the lamp has been lit on most holidays, and the lamp has been a support to many literary works.

While Aunt Arctic takes the last bite of pizza she wanted to eat in peace, EPF and SWAT agents received the call on the Spy Phone. They immediately reached to the Book Room. The Book Room is a very prestigious room, unlike many others all over Club Penguin Island. It has been the source of mischief, text, research, leadership, relationship and love. Aunt Arctic proceeds to describe the lamp’s appearance to the agents. “The lamp is golden, and almost cylindrical. You have partook in many festivals, and I anticipate that you are aware of its appearance.”

Rookie questions, “Did you see anything else other than pizzas today?” Aunt Arctic mentions that she has seen footprints of a polar bear. Quickly, the EPF agents sense the culprit. Jet Pack Guy proceeds, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”

The footprints descend to the outskirts of Club Penguin Island. As the agents walk along the trail, they make up a tale behind this mystery. At the end of the trail, they realize they have reached the Ski Hill. The trail stopped at an the cliff of Ski Hill. The agents say that the culprit used a sled to climb off the hill. They continue to descend the hill, till they find a spot where they may find further clues, whilst Aunt Arctic feels fascinated by their work.

“A box of hot sauce,” exclaimed Rookie, “Does the culprit feel too cold on an Island with not-so-cold climate?” Indeed, the fact presented by Rookie is quite amusing. It is a good question, however. The agents find more clues and align the odds. According to their findings, it appears that a box of sauce was used for warmth, along with wood and sticks to lit up a fire. These were not found under a tree, indicating that the person did not wish to stay under shelter, but rather wanted to take rest under sunlight. The agents consider that the culprit may arrive at this spot in a while, for none would leave such resources in cold weather.

Herbert appears in the scene. He is far away, on the other side of a lake. Rookie enjoys the landscape and asserts, “That character with a lamp looks heroic in winter! Does not the Sun oppose the luminescence?” The agents did not understand Rookie‘s unnecessary comment. However, it caused a crucial twist in the mystery. Aunt Arctic questions, “Wait, is it the culprit with my lamp?” Herbert does not need hot sauce and campfire when a lamp can do the trick! The lamp is phenomenal, and can give a lot of heat. It appears that Herbert has found the lamp’s utility, after criticizing and exposing the uselessness of all of Aunt Arctic‘s possessions.

Herbert escapes the scene in haste and hysteria, dropping the lamp, and momentarily raced away. The Director commends the agents for their cooperation, “The luminescence returns!”

To be continued with Season 3 on 29th February 2024.

SWAT Story: Season 1: Operation: Blackout

The great community of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) presents you their own edition of Club Penguin stories. This post unravels the story of a tragic blackout caused by an opposition who had returned.

Please note that this is a story inspired from Club Penguin. It is not the actual story. It may contain scenes from Club Penguin, and may be rephrased or reordered.

Next in Series: SWAT Story: Season 2: The Luminescence

Season 1: Operation: Blackout

During the cold winter night on 1st December 2023, something unusual was cooking in a corner of the island. Temperatures fell quickly during the night, and did not seem to rise by dawn. The island did not experience sunrise at dawn. Penguins who woke up early were very confused. At 6:00 AM, Aunt Arctic was on her way to the Everyday Phoning Facility (EPF), the container of the Elite Penguin Force (EPF). In one blink of an eye, Aunt Arctic was shocked after seeing a glance of disaster.

Alarmist hysteria! The building is on fire! Firefighters from all regions of Club Penguin attended their call of duty, but the building no longer holds value. All around the island, cold temperatures were experienced. Sun was considered to have disappeared. Gary was unable to comment on this unseen phenomenon. Shortly after the scenario was reported, the Director immediately ordered Agents to respond and arrive to the scene on the Spy Phone.

The agents immediately interpreted the response and reported to the scene. It had been identified that a small tower emitting rays into the atmosphere was placed near near the highest point of Club Penguin, in the mountains. It seemed to be pointing towards the direction to which the Sun should be present. Aunt Arctic commended the agents for their vigilance.

The next day, agents report that they were unable to reach the area, as they could not proceed into the gates. The agents discussed the presence of tunnels in Club Penguin. Gates were found there, too. However, that was not the only thing they could recognize! The entire island is covered by evil expanse and disease.

Medical attention was necessary. Several camps were set up in regard to this at the Docks and at the Beach. Club Penguin, a self-governed island, is now headed by a set of rules set by a tyrant. After the tyrant published newspapers on 5th December 2023, the attacker was identified. It was no other than Herbert, who is attacking Club Penguin Island once again!

Around this time, the island welcomed the Yearly Awards 2023, through newspapers printed from Aunt Arctic‘s secret printer.

The fire on the EPF building was difficult to deal with. “Low temperatures turned off some flames. But, a lot was burning in the rubble, primarily debris with low ignition temperatures,” asserted Gary on 10th December 2023. Agents were organized to assist each other in unlocking each gate and be able to reach destinations that could bring a positive change in the situation.

On 15th December 2023, agents passed the first gate. They were able to collect some pizzas and hot sauce. No relevant item was discovered. On 18th December 2023, agents passed the second gate. They were able to collect some stolen items, most of which were expensive. On 20th December 2023, agents passed the third gate. They were able to gather secret plans that Herbert was up to, and also found Gary’s blueprints. On 30th December 2023, they were able to open the final gate and entered Herbert’s Lair.

At the lair, a lot of heat was attained by the agents. A large control panel, a widescreen television, and some imprisoned puffles were found. The Club Herbert newspapers were lying around, too. The power supply of various systems possessed by Herbert in Club Herbert was difficult to take control of. The agents managed to fuse the system and track Herbert down.

Sun returned to the sky, negativity purged, and fires left the scene. Club Penguin has recovered to its original state! Herbert seems to have fled. Machinery used by Herbert was used for gaining intelligence in the field of science.

The agents were commended by the Director. The Director reveals their true identity.

“You are an agent to be commended. You are worthy of my secret. And, I am happy to assert to you that I am Aunt Arctic.”
— The Director

To be continued with Season 2 on 31st January 2024.