Chaos At The Christmas Chaos + A SWAT Talk

Today, on the 2nd of December, SWAT was matched against Red Ravagers and while many could say that SWAT was bound to be victorious (no disrespect ravvy’s but the judgement is made from SWAT’s status and history, nothing against anyone), some people who “predicted” the Christmas Chaos results put SWAT as the underdogs, thinking that SWAT is weak and will lie down during the tournament and die.

Awwww Cuteeee

Well, guess who proved the doubters wrong? SWAT did! Never underestimate SWAT! If we are down, if we are dying, even if we are dead we will rise from the ashes and through all of the wars that we’ve been through and that all of the people above have witnessed, you’d expect them to have some faith in us at least, ah well, their loss. This isn’t a hate post btw, just a show of how comical all this is, the tournament, the predictions and everything else

Some of you may wonder why we would choose to write a post about the Christmas Chaos instead of just laughing in private, well for one, I love to laugh about this and for two there is more than just 1 meaning to this post. We as SWAT are changing, we are going to experience a new era. Yes, SWAT has been experiencing some bad times, however, that doesn’t mean everything is bad. Actually, there have been things that people don’t see and a lot of good has come from it. I want to talk about 1 thing before I get on to some news.

SWAT is an army and honestly some people, troops even may just see SWAT as that but an interesting conversation occurred last night which made me want to write this. We are leading swat through good and bad times, we do not just tremble when bad times come and we do not go too far in the good times that we are blind as to what is in front of us. However, we try to enjoy the moment and make it enjoyable for every single one of you because I can’t speak for everyone but I know that my experiences of armies have varied and while a lot of bad things may occur during the time in them, a lot of good things come too and maybe these good things won’t last forever and some no, in fact, a lot of them haven’t lasted at all. However, I still reflect on them good moments in armies and consider them as good times. We enjoyed the time we had in armies because of the moments we created with the people around us, friends….family. I could talk all day about my experiences and the ones I remember the most because let’s face it, I certainly don’t remember everything but the point I’m trying to make is that we are trying to make this experience the best for you…all of you. Whether you are a troop, staff, hcom or hell even a leader, we want this experience to be memorable, we want you to think back in a couple of years time if you’re not here and think damn I really miss them days or I had fun back then; even remembering them alone is enough to make the experience worthwhile. We are a family and we do care for every single one of you, we want you to have great times in SWAT and even if you’re having troubles in real life or on here, we’re always here because that’s what family is for. We are here for everyone, to help everyone, to befriend everyone, to make this family whole. Always remember that we are family and nothing can change that. Old or new doesn’t matter, what matters is that you were or are a part of this swat team…this swat family.

Now, as I was saying, SWAT is making some changes and we recently saw the induction of Camotes as a SWAT leader. Now, I’m happy to inform you that we have a new face to induct! ASTRO has also stepped up and has been made leader. All of us leaders really appreciate his willingness, motivation and drive. We know that as a new addition to the leadership, he will be able to provide many great qualities and together, we shall build an army no one wants to face. We will come together as a family and fight for what is right. We will face all haters head-on and we will keep rising as we did today, as we do in every single war we participate in. We are SWAT, we do not back down! We do not die! We do not tremble! We are SWAT and SWAT is ohana. Ohana means Family, family means NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND OR FORGOTTEN. Past, present or future you are family and we will all stand together to fight for SWAT and ex-troops or vets who turn their back on SWAT shall realise that they made a huge mistake. As for other surprises, I guess you’ll have to wait and see what happens 😉


SWAT Events [11/14-11/20]

Hello SWAT! Here is a recap of this week’s events. We had three events this week which were extremely fun for the army! Keep on reading to see a recap of what occurred!

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SWAT Event Week Recap 10/24-10/30

Hello Agents, here’s a recap of this week’s events! We had a lot of Halloween-themed events including a Pink Takeover, Ghost Takeover, and a Helmet Takeover! Read more to see pictures of the events.

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Activity Count

Below, there will be some questions in which we would like EVERYONE to answer, this will just tell us who is active and who, most likely, isn’t. Not just that but also to tell us who pays attention to pings/site posts because some people may be active yet ignore some important things and we don’t want that. Also, those who do not comment on this can be DEMOTED. It is likely that there will be demotions for those who do not respond to this post


[1] Discord username/tag e.g. Coolguy#6371

[2] CPRewritten username

[3] What is your time zone?

[4] On a scale of 0-10, 0 being nothing and 10 being 24/7 (near enough) how would you rate your activity. Also, state how active you can be.

[5] What is your rank in SWAT and what is your current goal?

You have until November 6th to submit your comments/forms so make sure you do it ASAP!

Staff Of The Week Interview

With the lack of events recently, there has been little Agents of the Week, however, this hasn’t stopped agents or staff from working hard to achieve it. Not only to achieve it but to make a real impact on the community within SWAT. Our last Staff Of The Week was Jakob and he has been working hard within SWAT as well as many other staff members have been, going out of their way to help, be creative and to take responsibility and of course much more. We decided to interview Jakob to find out more about his thoughts on getting SOTW and more!

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SWAT Formally Declares War On WAP


Terms for this war:
No armies outside this war can interfere until the war ends – No declarations on WAP/SWAT can be made.
Server transfers allowed
No allies

P.S. Coolguy is the way 2 sexy leader here

SWAT EVENT: connect four and training event!

hello everyone, this is the recap of the connect four event!

event max

in this event, we did training for about 15 minutes, and then played a connect four tournament!

here are some photos taken from the event!

note: image is edited to have a green tint

this was my first time making a post for the website, I hope this is good!

-L90, 3IC and swat’s cameraman

Week Recap [9/19-9/26]

Hello, Agents! Here’s a special recap of our events that occured this week!

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✪】U-Lead Event 9/18

Today, we had a U-Lead event for all the troops! Everyone had gotten a chance to do a tactic and formation. The troops showed off their leading skills during this event and did a great job! Read more to see a recap.

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✪】Battle Training 9/15

Hello Agents! On Wednesday, September 15th we held a training for the team. This training consisted of tactic performing, working on bombing out of formations, and map changes! Read more to see what occured.

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