[US] SWAT Training / Igloo Raids Results

On March 4th at 8:00 PM EST SWAT logged in for their split Training/Igloo Raid event and it went amazing! We successfully were able to practice formations and tactics along with achieving our biggest goal – Everybody having fun. Thank you to all the SWAT Agents that attended this event! REMINDER – We have a HUGE Battle vs the Help Force on Saturday, 4 PM EST. Make sure to attend to help us win!
Max: 24-25

First 10 Minutes (Training Session)

Last 20 Minutes (Igloo Raids)

SWAT Staff Competition

On February 17th, SWAT held a staff recruiting competition. Throughout the competition, the staff was separated into two groups, and Leaders in TrainingGrace, and Camotes, were in charge of their teams. The winners were announced today and received a unique medal on SWAT webpage and a special recruiting role of their own choice. Read more to see who won the competition and what happened!

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[US] SWAT IW Battle/Cart Surfer Tourney 1/1/21

Attention agents:

Today, February 25, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team logged in to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent for a practice battle with our allies the Ice Warriors. A huge shoutout to all of the loyal and dutiful agents who took part in our mission, and helped to make this battle so incredible. SWAT Family Forever!

Max: 18, Avg: 17

Me and the boys at the pregame show

End Transmission.

SWAT AUSIA Division Training 2/27/21

Attention agents:

Today, February 25, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team logged in to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent for our very first AUSIA Training on CPR. This training allowed us to establish an awesome baseline and expectation for our AUSIA Division. A huge thank you to all of the wonderful and dedicated agents who assisted us on our mission, and played a key part in making this event so enjoyable, And a special shoutout especially to those from other timezones who stayed up to assist us! A massive shoutout also goes out to the second hottest person in SWAT, Vertz who will be joining our SWAT Staff Team!! Congratulations Vertz!! SWAT Family Forever!

Max: 20, Avg: 16


:SWAT9:Attention all SWAT Troops!:SWAT9:

We have an AUSIA event on Saturday! This is our first ausia in a while so we’re expecting y’all to show up for us! We need all hands on deck, as always.

:swathelmet::swat: AUSIA BATTLE TRAINING :swat:

:swathelmet:Saturday, February 27

:clock: ᴛɪᴍᴇ?:clock:
8:00 AM GMT
3:00 AM EST
2:00 AM CST
1:00 AM MST
12:00 AM PST
4:00 PM SGT
1:30 PM IST
9:00 PM NZ

Make sure to clear out your schedules so you can make it.
Our goal will be 30+ troops online!!! Let’s be reaching it!

SWAT Battle Training 2/25/21

Attention agents:

Today, February 25, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team once again marched on Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent. for an insanely successful training. Much gratitude to all of the spectacular and committed agents who assisted us on our mission, and helped to make this event amazing. SWAT Family Forever!

Max: 26, Avg: 24


End Transmission.

SWAT Battle Training 2/21/21

Attention agents:

Today, February 21, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team once again set out to train on Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent. This resulted in an extremely successful training. A massive thank you to all of the agents that joined us in our training today. SWAT Family Forever!

Max: 22, Avg: 20

End Transmission.


We have a big UK event coming up on Thursday and we need EVERYONE to be attending! This event is at a US-friendly time too so there are no excuses for not being able to come. Let’s make this event our BIGGEST OF THE CPR 2021 ERA!

:swatgaspgreen: SWAT HUGE TRAINING EVENT :swatgaspgreen:

》Thursday, February 25《

:clock: ᴛɪᴍᴇ?:clock::

:newcpuk:10:00 PM GMT:newcpuk:
:newcpus: 5:00 PM EST:newcpus: 
:newcpus: 4:00 PM CST:newcpus: 
:newcpus: 3:00 PM MST:newcpus:
:newcpus: 2:00 PM PST:newcpus: 
:newcpau:6:00 AM SGT:newcpau:
:newcpau:11:00 AM NZ:newcpau:
CPPS: https://play.cprewritten.net/#/login

Make sure you’re all in attendance to support YOUR army! Let’s be aiming for 40+, we should be getting AT LEAST 30 (Hence why this is our goal) but let’s get 40!!!! Promotions will definitely be given if we hit our goal!!


Hello, all SWAT troops! We will be holding an event on Sunday and we will need you all to be there! This will be held at a slightly later time than usual but, hopefully, you’ll all be able to make it! Our goal is to get 30+ troops online so let’s make this happen!

》Sunday, February 21《

:clock: ᴛɪᴍᴇ? :clock:

:newcpuk: 2:00 AM GMT:newcpuk:
:newcpus:9:00 PM EST:newcpus:
:newcpus:8:00 PM CST:newcpus:
:newcpus:7:00 PM MST:newcpus:
:newcpus:6:00 PM PST:newcpus:
:newcpau: 10:00 AM SGT:newcpau:
:newcpau: 3:00 PM NZ:newcpau: 


CPPS: https://play.cprewritten.net/

:ArrowRightGlow: Promotions + 10 PTS for AGENTS OF THE WEEK to all those who attend!:ArrowLeftGlow:

We hope to see you all there!!

CPRewritten Staff-Lead Event [RESULTS

Today the SWAT Army of Club Penguin logged onto the server Ascent on Club Penguin: Rewritten for a Staff-Lead training event. We ended up having a great event, maxing 26 and being able to see all of our Staff/HCOM work together and help host a fun atmosphere for all of our troops here.


CP Rewritten Rulers