SWAT Graduation Takeover Event

A new CPR code has been released, this time it has a graduation theme! Because of the recent release of the items/code we have decided to hold a graduation-themed training event! As per usual, we expect EVERYONE to be there as we aim to reach new goals, new hights and a new golden age. Make sure you check the times below to make sure you can come!

Tuesday 04 May


2:00 AM UAE

1:00 AM MSK

12:00 AM CEST

11:00 PM BST

10:00 PM UTC

6:00 PM EST

5:00 PM CST

4:00 PM MST

3:00 PM PST

10:00 AM NZ

8:00 AM AEST

7:00 AM JST

6:00 AM SGT

3:30 AM IST

We will be using CPREWRITTEN https://play.cprewritten.net/#/login make sure you’re on for early log on which is 30 mins before the event starts!

Agent of the Week – Interview

Today, Special Weapon and Tactics was lucky to interview our special Agent of the Week, Chen! Chen has worked extremely hard in SWAT and was rewarded with AOTW. Read more to see how the interview went.

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Sunday Unscheduled Event

Today, Special Weapons and Tactics held an unscheduled event. This event was successful and extremely fun! During the event, the team focused on formation changes and fast room switches. Read more to see what happened!

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SWAT Training Event

Special Weapons and Tactics held a training event on Saturday, May 1. The event consisted of them practicing tactics and room switches to prepare for their future battles!

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After yesterday’s event, we have decided to host an event today! This is late notice but we expect ALL SWAT TROOPS TO ATTEND THIS EVENT! We aim for a perfect event today. We aim and expect the best from all SWAT troops so make sure you attend and show us what you’ve really got!



11:00 PM UAE

10:00 PM MSK

9:00 PM CEST

8:00 PM BST

7:00 PM UTC

3:00 PM EST

2:00 PM CST

1:00 PM MST

12:00 PM PST

7:00 AM NZ

5:00 AM AEST

4:00 AM JST

3:00 AM SGT

12:30 AM IST

We will be using CPREWRITTEN https://play.cprewritten.net/#/login make sure you’re on for early log on which is 30 mins before the event starts!

SWAT Ausia Event

Rise and shine Special Weapons and Tactics! Today, SWAT held an event for our Morning Warriors which was extremely successful. Our AUSIA showed up stronger than ever and did amazing during the event. The team focused on formation changes, different bombs, and quick tactic switches! Read more to see a recap of the event.

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SWAT Igloo Raids

Good evening, Special Weapons and Tactics! Today, SWAT had a quite different event. The team decided to do 15 minutes of practicing tactics/formations then the rest they raided member’s igloos! During the event, we were lucky enough to see all of our member’s igloos and their awesome decorations. The event also consisted of us doing fun formations and tactics in their igloos too. Keep on reading to see more of what happened!

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ATTENTION ALL SWAT TROOPS: We are holding another event tonight! This event will be an igloo raid! While we will be raiding igloos, we will still be training so you must be prepared!!!!

TODAY (29/April)


11:00PM CEST

10:00 PM BST

9:00 PM UTC

5:00 PM EST

4:00 PM CST

3:00 PM MST

2:00 PM PST

9:00 AM NZ

2:00 PM PDT

7:00 AM AEST

6:00 AM JST

5:00 AM SGT

2:30 AM IST

We will be using CPREWRITTEN https://play.cprewritten.net/#/login make sure you’re on for early log on!!!!

SWAT Spring Showdown

On Saturday April 24th, Special Weapons and Tactics participated in the Spring Showdown Tournament. During the event, in each room the army was put up against randomized armies. This event was definitely fun and memorable! Read more to see a fun recap!

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During the week we’ll be holding a fun event with the Ice Warriors (our allies), which will consist of having a short battle but also we will be playing some games with them for fun! While this will be a more laid-back event, this doesn’t mean that this event is less important than any other as it will still be training!!


Tuesday 27th April


9:00 PM BST

4:00 PM EST

3:00 PM CST

2:00 PM MST

1:00 PM PST

1:30 AM IST

Make sure you’re able to come to this event! Not only is this event for good practice but it is also for fun, make sure you’re there!!!!!! https://play.cprewritten.net/