Wednesday 15/03/23 (AUSIA)

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On Wednesday, SWAT hosted an ausia event where we prepared our ausia division for any upcoming challenges and also to make sure that the division stays strong! SWAT’s ausia division has been strong in the past and we aim to make sure that ausia gets the credit it deserves!

Maximum: 15

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Tuesday, March Madness Training 14/03/23 (UK)

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On Tuesday, we held a training event to prepare for our upcoming battle in the March Madness tournament. As we aim to win, we made sure this training was a success. Let’s find out how this event went.

Maximum: 21

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Battle vs Help Force (UK) 12/03/23

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On Sunday, we took to CPAB to prepare for the upcoming March Madness battle by battling the Help Force, we gave it our all and gave them a tough, friendly battle. Let’s see how this amazing battle went!

Maximum: 16

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07/03/23 Invasion of Tundra (UK)

60%………..89%………………100% complete. Mission Completed!

On Tuesday, we took to CPA Battleground to invade Tundra. You’ll be pleased to hear that we were successful in our mission, once again. After some quick, tough and original training, SWAT is prepared for all and any upcoming challenges!

Maximum: 17

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Sunday Training Event (09/03/23) UK

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On Sunday, SWAT held an event where we would go on to train for future events and battles. While this proved to be a tough training event, we powered through and successfully geared up for the future

Maximum: 15

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04/03/23 (UK) Battle vs ACP

Mission Incoming: 40%……67%….100% complete

Today, SWAT logged onto CPAB to face the Army of Club Penguin for a battle. However, to challenge ourselves, we both invaded land while attacking. Let’s see how it went!

Maximum: 22

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28/02/22 Ausia invasion of Fortress

100% Mission Complete!

Today, SWAT took to the Fortress to invade this undefended piece of land that we once owned and named. We invaded this successfully, fortress is now ours!

Maximum: 14

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SWAT Training, Hailing Hills Captured

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Today, we logged onto CPAB to invade Hailing Hills but we also trained to take advantage of what happened during the war and work on our strengths and weaknesses.

Maximum: 24

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(UK) Invasion of Glacier 18/02/23

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Today, SWAT logged onto Klondike on CPAB to invade Glacier once again as we aimed to take the server from RPF. This battle, however, proved to be extremely close. The judges deemed this as a 0-1-2 win to RPF, however, we know that we performed like winners and want to thank each and every person who showed up today to help us out in any and all ways that you could. You make each and every day in SWAT possible so keep it up!

Maximum: 32

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Defense of Oblivion (US) 17/02/23

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Today, SWAT logged onto CPAB to defend our land, Oblivion, against RPF once more. Let’s find our who won during this hard-fought battle.

Well, unfortunately, we didn’t do enough to win during this battle, however, we did well and aim to do MUCH better. Let’s go out tomorrow and invade Glacier and win! Taking their land away from them once and for all!


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