by Blizzard880
Hello SWAT,
Disappointed. Yep, that’s the first word I’ll begin with. I really don’t know where to start. With all the sadness and anger I’m facing, I just don’t know where to begin with. I’ll just begin with this, I guess: Troops Quitting.
Why? Just why? Some of you troops are quitting when we’re at war. Some loyal soldiers you guys are. I’m not going to name people even when I have like a big list. Well anyway, you guys are quitting, and what do you get out of quitting? You join the enemy’s side. What do you seriously get out of that? The answer? Nothing. It’s not my loss, it’s yours.
Next, I’d like to move onto another subject. There has been rumors going on that SaW and Unknown are retiring from SWAT. I’m not 100% sure of this but if you guys are really retiring then I’d like to say that you guys are retiring at the wrong time. If you guys really are leaving us, then you better regret it because we’re at war with the Light Troops and we really need help.
~Blizzard880, SWAT Leader
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