Greetings SWAT..

Hello SWAT, and the entire CPA Community..

For those of you who are familiar, unfamiliar or maybe have absolutely no knowledge of me at all, my name is Subzero and I am former Leader/HCOM and one of the current acting advisors for SWAT.

Today I am here to pass on a small message and raise awareness,
On the 6th, SWAT are going to raise some eyebrows..
And together if we must, we will raise hell.

For far too long SWAT had started to suffer a slow yet painful death and to my surprise it wasn’t at the hands (or flippers) of another army.

No you see, it was more so at the hands of its very own, however there is always 2 sides to every story..

For whom it may concern, or not, the truth is, inexperience is what was slowly killing off a place full of such rich history and previous monstrous capabilities.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with coming to terms with not having the experience nor skills to lead an army especially one like SWAT, so much to live up to, usually not enough time (in most cases), however understand comrades, this job was solely done alone, much props to that right? Whatever the weather leading and maintaining an army on your own is no easy task, whether it is maxing a minuscule -10, or a massive 60+ not to mention keeping the peace and composure within a discord chat (even if it’s not the tidiest or most straightforward) these are things we can all agree on, right?..

There is also absolutely nothing wrong with trying to resolve that same issue the same way anyone else would. Let’s not pretend to lack basic common sense here.

Now judging from my experience (a solid opinion), I can see that the same inexperience, lack of composure and somewhat “skill issue” if you’d like, has effected the relationship between fellow and former comrades..

We live and we learn guys, that’s apart of growing.

Talking about growing I’ve come to notice that there may be growing prejudice towards us, growing slander towards us, and just general growth for hate towards SWAT as a whole.

Please understand that not everything is what it seems and SWAT are making a comeback for the new year, this will not stop us, this will not contain us and this will not defeat us.

In regards to my very short and sweet message you will be reading in just a moment, I would just like to add that I fear for other armies harbouring any former SWAT that they may inherit bad blood from whoever it may be, and decide to take it upon themselves to take some form of action.. and in response to that all I have to say is this:

Be careful who you let on your ship because some people will risk sinking the whole ship for a selfish and meaningless cause.

This is a message to those who do not stand with us, but rather against us:

Enlist alone maybe, but die alone?
Not in this community.

And it will not be SWAT facing the death penalty in this life.

Happy New Year Agents,
-Subzero SWAT Advisor.