Hello, September 2024!

Greetings, agents!

The Special Weapons and Tactics will close the curtains of Summer 2024 with a few big announcements.

Pirate Party (September 2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Concluding Season 9
  2. Introducing Season 10
  3. Synopsis of the Music Jam 2024
  4. SWAT Bot Events V2
  5. Summer Awards 2024
  6. The September Drop
  7. Changes in Seasons

1. Concluding Season 9

Season 9 concluded with a short delay. The delay was primarily due to Beach Brawl IV intervening, following a war and some month kickoff business. Nobody completed all the missions. Therefore, we selected the player with the most progress. WilliamW2010 has been declared as the Agent of the Month for August 2024. Congratulations, WilliamW2010!

Zooy’s medal

2. Introducing Season 10

The Pirate Party has made its debut in the SWAT community. Enjoy a month of sailing pirate ships! Run the season command in SWAT Bot to view what is available!

The thumbnail of the tenth season.

3. Synopsis of the Music Jam 2024

The Music Jam 2024 certainly lived up to its name! We successfully deployed 3 playlists on Spotify, embarking on a musical journey. SWAT may be one of the first armies to pioneer musical compilations and playlist creation on Spotify.

Listen on Spotify:

Music Jam 2024 @ SWAT

4. SWAT Bot Events V2

Events V2 was first highlighted in the July 2024 newsletter. In the August 2024 newsletter, we stated that Events V2 is undergoing testing. We are now proud to say that we are close to the final deployment stage, and we are currently making the finishing touches. In September 2024, we will aim to host an event to test Events V2.

5. Summer Awards 2024

One of the most anticipated events this month is the Summer Awards! This year, we are filling Fall with the Awards, which will be concluding later this month. Nominations are open in the Discord server, and all SWAT troops are invited to request their name for nomination. Some awards have predetermined nominees, too. The nomination process will conclude on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. The voting process will then begin. We will be using the SWAT Bot authorization token system to run the voting process on Google Forms.

There are 17 awards in total, with prizes for allies, too!

6. The September Drop

This note can well finish this article. Annually, in September, troops in armies often face limited availability, primarily due to schools flourishing after a break from academics. Don’t worry! SWAT will try its best to avoid pressurizing you throughout the month!

September 2024 will not be a densely filled month with numberless activities. Rather, we are conducting the Summer Awards 2024 throughout the entire month! Other activities will be minimized to curb issues with the September Drop.

7. Changes in Seasons

We believe that seasons require a lot of labor. From this point in time onwards, we will no longer provide season stories. We feel that stories are too overwhelming to write, and it does not receive much impression. Additionally, we will discontinue season messages. It is currently tedious and unmanageable to keep these elements in our seasons system.

The past month was awesome! Let us cherish the coming month better, trying to not regret the September Drop!

Thank you!
The SWAT Corporation

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