SWAT Battle Training 25/03/23 (UK)

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Today, SWAT logged on for battle training because cpab was down when we were meant to be defending our land, however, we logged on after and made a successful training out of it with an amazing amount of people coming to celebrate SWAT and the values which it holds as well as coming to help us out!

Maximum: 31


Stadium: No pics


Good job in this event SWAT, we appreciate all of you guys making it as we make one final stride to improve our army and to make the future look so bright. So many new and old faces around, the experience is invaluable, this cannot be traded so treasure the moments while being caught up in the action and heat of it all.

Until next time!

Never Forget

One Response

  1. SWAT FOR LIFE! Imagine if this wasn’t a practice event, we would’ve crushed POM.

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