Hello SWAT! Here is a recap of this week’s events. We had three events this week which were extremely fun for the army! Keep on reading to see a recap of what occurred!
Shovel Take Over [11/17]
Max: 16 Avg: 14/15
Induction Ceremony [11/18]
Max: 14 Avg: 13
AUSIA Red Cape Takeover [11/20]
Max: 10 Avg: 9
Thank you all for coming to the events from this week! We hope everyone enjoyed and congratulations to the newest SWAT Leader, Camotes!
SWAT Leader
Filed under: SWAT Army Tagged: | AGENT RULERS CPR, AgentRulersCPR, Club Penguin SWAT, CP SWAT, CprAgentsTeam SWATRulersofCPR TeamSWATRulers RulersCprTeam RulersTeamCPR Rulers of Club Penguin Rulers of Club Penguin CPRAgents Team CPRAgentsTeam Team SW AT Rulers TeamSWAT Rulers EPFagentrulers tea, Home, SWAT Army CP, SWAT Army of Club Penguin, SWAT of Club Penguin, SWAT of CP, swat of cpo, SWAT Rulers, swat rulers army, swat rulers of cp, SWATRulers
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