Ausia Training/PB with WV 19/08/21

What started out as a Coffee-themed training event soon became a practice battle with our allies Water Vikings. Read on to find out how we did!

Our Coffee-themed event became a battle with our allies, Water Vikings, but before we talk about that, let’s talk about the themed event. We logged on to CPR to hold a coffee-themed trainring with the intention to train for upcoming battles and to achieve a good max, we started out by going into the coffee shop and performing some fun tactics while still focusing on the task at hand. This was when our allies joined us for some friendly fun. Quickly emerging from the Town, the Water Vikings came with the intention to win the battle and to prove that they had a strong ausia too. However, they were surprised to see a similar max upon arrival. This battle was well-fought but was for fun so there is no winner, however, if there was to be a winner, it’d be a close call (although it’d be SWAT LOL (jkjk)). We then carried on with our event, ending in the book lounge above the coffee shop.

Max: 16

Thanks to all those who came and made the event what it was! Thanks to WV for the fun PB during our coffee-themed event. We hope you all enjoyed it! Remember to keep an eye out for our next event.


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