Good afternoon, Special Weapons and Tactics! Today, we held an event to invade the land Belly Slide and practice for the Legends Cup coming up this Sunday, July 25th at 2:00 PM EST. The team successfully ended up invading the land! While the event was happening, everyone was practicing formation changes, tactic switches, and emote switches. Also, instead of opening up maps, everyone walked to different locations to practice formations in all types of different rooms! Read more to see a recap!
Max: 20 Avg:18/19
Thank you to all of those who attended this event! Make sure to attend the Legends Cup coming up this week, we need everyone there! Congratulations on collecting Belly Slide! #SWATFOREVER
SWAT Leader
Filed under: SWAT Army Tagged: | AgentRulers CPR, AgentRulers CPRewritten, Army Warfare, CPR EpfAgents, cpragentsteam, CprAgentsTeam SWATRulersofCPR TeamSWATRulers RulersCprTeam RulersTeamCPR Rulers of Club Penguin Rulers of Club Penguin CPRAgents Team CPRAgentsTeam Team SW AT Rulers TeamSWAT Rulers EPFagentrulers tea, Cprewritten Army Team, CpRewritten EPFAgents, CPRewritten TeamAgents, EPFAgent Rulers Team, EPFagentrulersteam, EPFRulers TeamSWAT, SWAT Army CP, SWAT Army of Club Penguin, swat army of cp, SWAT of Club Penguin, SWAT of CP, swat of cpo, swat rulers army, swat rulers army cpr, swat rulers of cp, swatcpteam agentsofcpr cpragentsteam clubpenguinagents, TeamAgentRulers, TeamAgentRulers of CPR, TeamAgents CPR, TeamRulers, TeamRulersSWAT
SWAT Forever