Attention agents:
Today, May 22, 2021, the Special Weapons and Tactics Team logged in to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent for a massive practice battle with our allies the Ice Warriors! A huge thank you to the loyal agents who helped us on our mission. A massive thank you to everyone who attended, especially through all of the lag. SWAT Family Forever.
Max: 25, Avg: 22
End Transmission.
SWAT Commander-in-Chief
Filed under: SWAT Army | Tagged: AGENT RULERS CPR, AgentRulers CPR, AgentRulers CPRewritten, AgentRulers of CPR, AgentRulersCPR, agentsofcpr, Club Penguin SWAT, CP SWAT, CPR EpfAgents, CprAgentRulers, cpragentsteam, CprAgentsTeam SWATRulersofCPR TeamSWATRulers RulersCprTeam RulersTeamCPR Rulers of Club Penguin Rulers of Club Penguin CPRAgents Team CPRAgentsTeam Team SW AT Rulers TeamSWAT Rulers EPFagentrulers tea, cprewritten army, CpRewritten EPFAgents, CPRewritten Rulers, cprpenguinrulers, CprTeamRulers, EPF Agent Rulers CPR, EPF Agent Rulers of CPR, Epf Agent Team Rulers, EPF AgentRulers, Epf Ruler Agents Team, Epf Rulers Cp Rewritten, EPFAgent Rulers, EPFAgent Rulers Team, epfagentrulers, EPFagentrulersteam, EPFAgents TeamRulers, EPFagentsCPR, EPFPenguinRulers, EPFRulers Team, EPFRulers TeamSWAT, EPFRulersTeam, Rulers EPFAgents, rulers of cpr, SWAT Army CP, SWAT ARMY CPO, SWAT Army of Club Penguin, swat army of cp, SWAT Army of CPO, SWAT of Club Penguin, SWAT of Club Penguin Online, SWAT of CP, swat of cpo, SWAT Rulers, swat rulers army, swat rulers army cpr, swat rulers club penguin, swat rulers club penguin island, swat rulers club penguin online codes, swat rulers of cp, swatcpteam agentsofcpr cpragentsteam clubpenguinagents, swatofcp, SWATRulers, TEAMSWAT clubpenguin TEAMSWAT clubpenguin RULERSOFCPR RULERSCP | 1 Comment »