Spy Takeover

On Monday we will be holding a spy takeover event! This event will be one for swat to prove itself, not to any other army but itself. We should be maxing AT LEAST 30+ and not just for this event either. If you want to cement SWAT’S history then play apart of it and attend our events! 1 person can make a difference and that’s a fact so never undervalue your worth!

Monday, May 10th


1:00 AM UAE

12:00 AM MSK

11:00 PM CEST

10:00 PM BST

9:00 PM UTC

5:00 PM EST

4:00 PM CST

3:00 PM MST

2:00 PM PST

9:00 AM NZ

7:00 AM AEST

6:00 AM JST

5:00 AM SGT

2:30 AM IST

We will be using CPREWRITTEN https://play.cprewritten.net/#/login make sure you’re on for early log on which is 30 mins before the event starts! Make sure you’re there!!! This will be a fun event but we will always be practicing for future battles so make sure you’re prepared. Rewards and Promos will be given to all those who come

~~ Coolguy