Hello SWAT!

Today we logged on to invade free land server Husky, which is now ours! No one showed up to try and battle us for it, because obviously they would have been destroyed in doing so. I just want to say I’m so proud of all the hard work my co-leaders and owners have been doing getting everyone to the new discord and recruiting new soldiers into the army, working countless hours on discord & CPO greeting and helping new recruits become acquainted with us. So because of that, I will be giving three special shoutouts at the end of every week on a results post for our events on either a Friday or Saturday. I will outline three soldiers who did extra work to go above & beyond to help keep SWAT growing during that week. This will start today. You can read more and see at the end of the post if you were selected! I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking, I preach enough. Great job today SWAT! 🙂

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