
SWAT, I am sorry.

Today I come to you with the news of my retirement. SWAT has been doing great and the only reason I am here right now is because I was awfully bored while on my vacation in Poland. The end of my vacation is drawing near and so is me leading SWAT/being in armies. I did what I needed to do, I recruited over 100 troops into this army, I hired owners/mods and members, and I helped the army overcome many challenges in the past two weeks and defeat the Army of Club Penguin, in what was probably one of the best wars I’ve ever led in any army in.

SWAT, you have the potential of many armies. You are a bear in hibernation and your time WILL come to wake up and show CP Armies what you are truly made of. Unfortunately, I cannot be a part of this. SWAT, remember that you should never give up, don’t let anything get in you’re way. We are a family, we stick together.

NitroHammer and Spikey are going to take my spot as leaders of SWAT.


Ganger90: You’re like a brother to me, I will miss leading by your side. Hopefully we stay in touch.

Badboy: You deserve more from the army community, just like SWAT you are a bear in hibernation. I have seen a lot of what you can accomplish.

NitroHammer: Keep SWAT alive for me, congrats on leader.

Spikey: Keep your Air-Drones out and keep SWAT alive, congrats on leader.

Benjarkin: You’re a good leader, but you just need to be more active and focused. Keep it up maybe SWAT will welcome you back shortly.

Silverburg: Good luck in RPF, thanks for being here for SWAT when we needed it the most.

All SWAT owners: You will all get your chance at leader, I promise you that. Stick with SWAT and your future will be bright in Club Penguin Armies.

Gloria: Thanks for everything you’re bae <3

Bam: My life is completed because of you.

Crazy186: Sad that I didnt get to lead SWAT with you, thanks for being there when I needed you man.

Bep: I love you

There are many more, I just don’t feel like wasting more time on writing a post for people that wont even bother to read.



3 Responses

  1. thank you taco

  2. Lol you were nothing to me

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