Hello SWAT,
This is your 2ic, Yey.
I have made my decision to retire from CP Warfare.
It was a good run for me, and in honor of my legacy I am going to write my retirement post.
Please do read the rest.
In 2011 as a little penguin I strolled around Club Penguin. I saw a group of black penguins chanting SWAT and throwing snowballs at some red people. I decided to search on google: SWAT of Club Penguin. SWAT site popped up and I clicked on it. I then went to SWAT chat and joined. Under Ganger I worked my way up from the lowest member rank to the rank of 2ic. SWAT is the only army that I worked my way up to an owner rank. When I was SWAT 2ic, SWAT was having a magnificent era. SWAT was number 1 on CPAC for weeks, and I was having the time of my life recruiting, and helping keep SWAT there. I met someone on SWAT named Leon. In late 2011 I made my own xat chat. I can’t remember the name but it must have been something dumb like “Yey and his friends”. I told Leon to come to the chat and he did. Leon and I were pretty good friends at this time and Leon had asked me if the chat was made for making an army. I said it wasn’t, but that sparked an idea in my head. Leon and I were going to make an army. I came up with the name United Countries of Club Penguin, or UCCP. I picked my two favorite colors as the armies colors, blue and green. Leon and I then met people like Rore, Dylan (now called Deli), and Michie. These were the first troops in UCCP. Then came along great friends and leaders such as Crazy186, Mr. Burns, and 32op. UCCP quickly became a CPAC top ten army. I remember we hit our high point as number 6 on CPAC. Later on in my career I was asked to lead my first army and the army I help closest to me: SWAT. I accepted the call and led SWAT along with Ganger90 and a few others. I was on almost every day all day. SWAT was getting top 5 on CPAC and I felt like I was on the top of the world. SWAT’s peak when I led was 1st on CPAC. I was so proud of SWAT and all the things I had done to help. After leading SWAT and UCCP other armies began to ask me to join for high positions. The armies I accepted were: Miners-Leader, DCP-LIT, GT-3ic, TCP-3ic, and PCP-4ic. In mid 2013 I took a break from cp armies. In late 2014 I returned to bring back UCCP. I quickly decided I didn’t want to rush into it and just talked with friends and hung out on chats. In mid 2015 I decided it was time to bring back UCCP. I fully returned to CP Warfare and led UCCP to sizes of 12+ with only myself as the leader. Later that year I put UCCP down and joined Pretzels with a ton of my good friends for 4ic. If i would have stayed a little bit longer I would have gotten 3ic. But then SWAT returned and I was offered owner rank and I couldn’t say no, even though it was a lower rank than I was before and was offered before. SWAT meant too much for me to even care about the rank I had. I only stayed for a couple of weeks where I recruited a lot. I recruited a lot of troops in the past couple weeks by autotyping and going to oldcp chat. Then I realized I didnt have enough time to be what I wanted to be in the army. I made the decision to retire.When I first joined CP armies I wrote down what I wanted to accomplish throughout my legacy. I found the note in 2014 and that is what made me return.
Now I will make the part of the post that is somewhat sappy.
Some of my greatest friends that I met in CP armies.
Leon23123 – Leon you and I were like the danger duo bro, we were unstoppable. I miss talking to you and I hope to meet again someday.
32op – 32, you were great help to me throughout my career, thanks for being there for me through everything and for always supporting me. Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest.
Ganger90 – Ganger, you helped me get to where I am today and I thank you for that. You are a great leader and I hope someday you get the recognition you deserve. You are also just a fun dude to talk to.
Rore – You and I had our differences at times but overall we got along and were great friends. I am glad that I met you along the way and I’m glad that I get to talk to you a bit still today.
Michie – Michie you were in the Fantastic 5 consisting of Rore, Dylan, Leon, You, and Me. I am glad that we still talk a bit and I had a blast talking with you in UCCP back then.
Dylan – Dylan bro you are a scrub but an awesome scrub. I am so glad you are still on xat a lot and we get to talk. I hope we never stop talking and I hope that we can keep in touch.
Beast – Beast you were a great friend from back in my days of SWAT Leader. I remember leading alongside you and you were a blast to talk with. You were the greatest and I am glad you still hop on now and then to talk and you are still as cool as you always were. Thanks for all the advice.
Badboy – Bad you and I were close back then and it was fun being through all that stuff with you. I hope you have fun in todays generation of CP armies and strive just like then.
Starz – Starz me and you were close back in 2011 and we still are now. We talk a lot and I’d say at this point you are one of my closest friends here on xat and in CP armies. Keep being an awesome recruiter and I am glad we are still tight.
Brave – Brave you are a nice guy and I loved getting to chat with you when I did. Keep being a fantastic leader.
Burns – Burns you and I still talk and you are a great friend. I am so glad we got to be in UCCP together and then got to move to SWAT as high ranks. You are an amazing dude and I am glad we still talk.
Redrocks98 – I am glad we both have a good taste in music and sports and we get to talk a lot in the later hours. I hope you strive as well as you did back then. You are really fun to talk to and I am glad we still do. I hope we keep in touch.
This post got insanely long and I am sorry if I didn’t include you or forgot you. This post took a lot of time and I hope you all respect it. I love you guys and I will miss every single one of you.
If you want to stay in touch my KIK is – Yey100000
My career goals:
Become SWAT Owner (Rank): Accomplished
Become SWAT Leader – Accomplished
Become SWAT Legend – Not Accomplished
Get into SWAT HOF – Not Accomplished
Make my own army – Accomplished
Lead my own army in CPAC – Accomplished
Become a legend in my own army – Accomplished
Get into my own army’s HOF – Accomplished
Become a CPAC or SMAC Legend – Not Accomplished
I accomplished 5/8 of the things I wanted to accomplish in my career.
Filed under: SWAT Army
miss ya brush