Again, another pure act of stupidity from DCP. I’m not sure what day this is scheduled to be on but Mustapha, being the idiot that he is did not give that information in this small post of his. If it was scheduled on the 17th, that being only a couple hours ago because its just past 2:30 AM right now, then it isn’t 24 hour notice because I was on your site around 10 PM before I went to your empire page to help me with my DCP Servers List post, and this AUSIA invasion was not scheduled. It wasn’t on your war schedule or in a separate post like the one you have up now. Stop trying to pull a fast one, we aren’t stupid, and I’m always watching for sneaky acts such of this. I mean lets be real, I was just in a war with ACP, I’m used to it.
Filed under: SWAT Army
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