Albaro, Do You Understand English?

This is THE LAST TIME I will be addressing the re-invasion issue. After this I’ll be done because we’ll be done with ACP after this weekend anyway.

Albaro. Anyone who does not understand the concept of the ACTUAL 24 hour rule (not the one ACP’s making up with this re-invasion bullshit) has special needs. You, unfortunately, are one of these people. 🙁

“Armies have rules. They aren’t set in stone, but overall, most of us obey them. But again, these rules aren’t set in stone, there are loopholes and we have been able to get around them and then we go running to CPAC to confirm if these loopholes are also allowed, and then one of them says they are, and another one says they aren’t, but the reality is, they’re making up new rules on the spot.”

Yes, armies have rules. Rules of which you don’t follow. I don’t know what lies you’re teaching your troops but its honestly pathetic. Listen to yourself, using the word ‘loophole’. It figures though, because finding loopholes is the only way ACP could save their asses for the past three years. And oh this is funny, I’ve been waiting for this. When you say you go running to CPAC to confirm if these loopholes are allowed, you did exactly that, and it backfired on you.

Here is where you asked Mach regarding the re-invasion problem where he had no idea what you’re talking about because you phrase things a way close to that of a 5 year old.

Here is where I asked him about why he told you that this was ok, when clearly it isn’t, and he expressed that he didn’t understand what you meant and that he still does not have an opinion, but we don’t need it, because we know whats valid or not, clearly you don’t.

“The re-invasions go like this. We schedule them way more than 24 hours in advance, some of these, were up for days. When the re-invasions were scheduled, all these servers were still part of the ACP nation. There are no rules against an army re-invading their own server, to confirm that they own it? It might seem silly to some armies, but it’s a good event style. Now, if an army happens to take that server, say, a few hours ago, that army should be aware that possibly a few hours later, that server will be re-invaded.”

This is the part of your post that really sets me off because I’ve explained it so many times and the only possible conclusion is that you have special needs and can’t process what I’m saying correctly, or you’re just plain out ignorant and continuing to fight over something that was settled 3 days ago.

Yes, you put the battles all in a post together for the entire week, we get it. You’re defending for most of the war, so those times aren’t really a problem, but here’s where there is. You CAN NOT, I repeat, CAN NOT re-invade a server that was taken just 3-4 hours earlier. You might think its 24 hour notice because you posted all of the battles at the same time, but it has to be 24 HOURS AFTER YOUR SERVER WAS TAKEN. Otherwise, its not re-invading/cleansing “your” own server to confirm that you own it, as you claim, BECAUSE IT WOULDN’T BE YOURS ANYMORE. So people should be calling ACP silly, because you’re a moron.

“Now, let’s take the most recent successful re-invasion. On 8/14, at 7:30 AM EST a few ACP troops logged on to re-invade the Server of Sled. This Server had been taken by SWAT at 3 AM EST, about 4 hours ago.”

Again, it has to be 24 hours after the server was taken. You said it yourself, it was 4 hours after we took it, and that’s invalid. Your re-invasion was not “successful” it’s just another laugh for this community to have whenever they take a look at ACP site.

“The rule about invading lost servers has always gone like this, if a server is lost by an army, they can post an invasion of that server directly after their loss, but the invasion must be scheduled for at least 24 hours in the future.”

“The re-invasion of Sled was scheduled on the 9th of August. SWAT had time to be aware of this event, they knew that if they took this server, they would have to defend it.”

You mean, ACP’s rule for invading lost servers has always gone like this. The one you decided to make up last week because you knew you’d be in this position if you went to war with us. There has never been a time where an army can invade a server a couple hours after they lost it, where the hell have you been? Lol. If you wanted to retake the server you’d have to post it 24 hours after you lost it. I mean think about it. Does it really sound correct that an army has to log on to defend a server they just took, especially in the 1-7 AM EST span, where the least events happen. Only an idiot would deem that acceptable. Yes, you’re invalid re-invasions were posted on August 9th, and we were fully aware that it was invalid, so we ignored it and laughed at you while Silverburg and I enjoyed a hot oven made pizza in the Pizza Parlor on your former server, Sled. 🙂

Our invasions are valid. We are 9-6, we actually admit defeat when we lose. grow up, you’re not 14-1.

Your invasions are not valid. They’re invalid. They’re not allowed, and violate the community’s 24 hour rule, not ACP’s, in every possible way. However way you want to put it, there’s nothing you can do to climb yourself out of the whole you dug for you and your army. The war score is 16-1 in SWAT’s favor, we don’t ever have to admit defeat, because we never lose! I got 99 problems and admitting defeat aint one.

YOU grow up, Albaro, and face the facts. Stop hiding behind the idea that everyone has your back and that you can get yourselves out of anything that’s thrown your way. This isn’t 2012, so stop acting like it is.

This is the last time I’m explaining this concept to you. If you decide to fire back with another post, it will be ignored. I’ve wasted enough of my time trying to help this sink in, and that may never happen, but this war will be over after Sunday, so I don’t got a thing to worry about. 🙂


See you on the battlefield,

Bad, SWAT Commander

ACP Smashed On Snow Day

Hello SWAT!

This is really getting boring. Our sizes increase every event, while ACP’s decrease. I mean really, they’re barely averaging over 10 LOL. Guess they should’ve thought about what they were saying before they opened them big mouths of theirs.

I’d like to apologize for losing my temper in the beginning of the battle. All the owners went AFK, and you guys were talking instead of logging on. But, we improved throughout the 30 minutes and ended up maxing 24 while averaging 20, with pretty good tactics. Pictures are below.

We are coming close. The entire D.R.A.C.P. is almost ours. Let’s rap it up this weekend.

See you on the battlefield,

Bad, SWAT Commander

Dear ACP,

Dear ACP,

It’s time to stop running and hiding from the truth.

I once made a mistake in this community and decided to multilog – a choice that I now regret and lost my status of CPA Legend over, even though more than half of the leaders and high ranked officials in this community still practice it. But, I, the difference between me and ACP, I took that punishment like a man and understood I could not change the situation. But now, this war, and all of these battles that ACP are losing, these are ACP’s issues, ACP’s losses, these are not SWAT’s problems or SWAT’s losses, they are SWAT’s victories and our triumphs over your army. Enough is enough, it’s time to stop blaming your shortcomings on SWAT, and it’s time to take your punishment that you asked for. All the boasting you made on CPAC, where did that get you now, ACP? Down 15-1 in a war against SWAT, dejavu huh? You wanna bash me or SWAT, bash it for something that’s real. But either way you decide to put it to your troops or tell the community, you’re still losing to us and 15 of your servers are now ours, and 0 of our servers are yours . That’s the best way to put it, that’s the only way I look at this war, and in that one battle we admitted to losing, I had no excuses, we had no excuses, we only had the future on our mind and how we will continue to be triumphant in this war. All in all, ACP, the fact of the matter is that you should take your losses as they are, and for you SWAT, let’s continue to do what we do.


“Friends List Multiloggers” Invade Snow Cone


Can you stop calling SWAT a friends list army when ACP is in fact is the biggest friends list army in the community?

“And” be awesome. 🙂

Today we invaded yet again taking the server Snow Cone from the Anti-CP. We got up to 41 on chat and maxed 25 on CP. ACP maxed a sensational 12. This war is almost in the books, SWAT. Two and a half more days of winning and the D.R.A.C.P. will be history. Pictures are below.




















See you on the battlefield,

Bad, SWAT Commander

ACP, Do You Really Have Anything To Say?

So after every loss, which seems to be every battle for the ACP, they claim we multilog with no legitimate proof of those claims. So lets take a look into ACP’s past and see if we can determine who are really the cheaters of this community.

This was originally posted on CPA Central.

UPDATE 7:00 AM EST: Sercan has apologized to the ACP and army community for editing pictures, but denies the claims that he is in a multi-logging scandal. He says that he stopped editing pictures 2-3 months ago and Boomer, in an edit, goes onto say how for this reason he will not be couped by “Shaboomer” and Sercan will withhold his leadership position.

KLONDIKE, CPAC Headquarters — For more than six months, CPA Central has been enthralled in a conflict over allegations of the ACP faking pictures; as well as the recent allegations of Sercan’s multilogging. It began with The ACP Enigma, and now the farce is played out; we have finally caught our culprit. Here at CPAC, we’ve called many things Watergate. We’ve called many things “-gate”; Botgate, Funksgate, the list goes on and on. However, I think this takes the cake. As I write the fourth and concluding post to the tale of ACP’s picture faking, I hope to put this case to bed once and for all. Let’s recap. The post that started it all was published on September 23rd, 2013, after a CPAC Committee reviewed the evidence that suggested ACP, under Casiusbrutus, was responsible for faking pictures.

Soon after, on the army’s lovely propaganda outlet “The Clover”, Casiusbrutus published the Apologia Pro ACP, in which he condemned the “gutter press” for the report, and denied the claims made in the post. To be fair, Max has since denounced the actions he took during his time as ACP Leader, and further reading on that can be found here. We’re not talking about this to condemn Max, we’re simply looking through everything that happened. The ACP Enigma’s claims have held up as well as ever, and during the coup d’etat of Casiusbrutus, the infamous File 427B, compiled largely by Flipmoo/Slimball2007 and Sercan4444, confirmed the existence of picture faking in the ACP. However, in this file, the statements on the faking reference Casiusbrutus as the one responsible. See below.

The event that got the A.C.P. first on the CPAC Top 10 (Week of 9/15/2013)  was the Ausia event in which Sercan and Flipmoo led. The A.C.P. Ausia Division maxed 56 troops with great tactics, and the post can be found here. However, Casiusbrutus was still unsatisfied. Instead of accepting the event for what it already was, Casiusbrutus edited a screenshot that Sercan took and gave it to another owner. He then ordered that owner to give Flipmoo that edited picture so that he would include it onto the event results without knowing that the screenshot was a fake. However, the ACP still would’ve gotten 1st even if the pictures weren’t edited.

Below, for your conspiratorial pleasures, is the event pre-editing and post-editing.

These revelations came following the coup d’etat of Casiusbrutus and the subsequent release of the file, and my commentary on it is in a post that can be found here. There’s also some lovely information on Elmikey’s issues with reality and the New Dawn Alliance in that post. Following this, the issue stayed out of mainstream media for another month, until it was reawakened in December when the conclusion of Capncook’s private investigation led me to question the integrity of the new ACP Administration.

In December, we were led to believe Tori was responsible for the faking due to the picture on your right; a closer look at that text shows that while she was in the business of wanting to screw over Casiusbrutus, she was not physically responsible for the picture faking. Capncook’s investigation makes some convincing arguments toward the innocence of Sercan; at the time of the original publishing of the ACP Enigma, the post called to question was deleted, and Capncook’s investigation argues Sercan was not involved in that deletion.

His post reaches the conclusion that “Cassius, Flipmoo, Slime, Fluffyboy, Monsoon, and Sercan all did not have a reason to commit this crime” and that “Tori has yet to be proven innocent at this point.” The investigation alludes to a trial that, while it never took place, would’ve been lovely to see — I, however, want to speak to the first excerpt from this post.

Capncook’s claim that Sercan did not have reason to commit this crime is incorrect, seeing as the subsequent coup d’etat of Casiusbrutus had to be in planning for some time, and there was clearly a deal struck between Flipmoo, Sercan and Jerry, which would guarantee loyalty in the coup d’etat of Cas in exchange for the creation of what would become the ACP Triumvirate. So Sercan’s still on the table. The full excerpts of Capn’s investigation and other claims by myself about the chessboard ACP can be found in the third installment of this scandal, Editorial: All the President’s Men.

For anyone who wasn’t interested in recapping, here’s the developments. 

A source knowledgeable about the affairs of the ACP has been in talks with me tonight, and has given me the information I find necessary to finally reach a conclusion in this ongoing scandal. Below is the statement from that source, paraphrased from the original text to preserve their anonymity.

On a day in Februrary, xxToysoldier approached me, talking about a picture that he claimed proved Sercan was responsible for adding extra emotes into ACP pictures and essentially faking them. Upon some research, we proved that claim to be true. The speech bubbles don’t line up, despite the fact that the penguins in them are in the same position, meaning they must have been edited. There also are other pictures that show issues in the speech bubbles, as if someone took a speech bubble and copied and pasted it multiple times. Last but not least, there is a picture where the transparency is skewed, though this is a not concrete evidence. 

The four pictures from this claim are in the slideshow below.

The picture for some reason doesn’t load on SWAT site. Check the original post for this evidence.

At this point any intelligent viewer will have pointed out we have not proven a culprit yet, only that we have further proven picture faking in the ACP took place. Before I show you what has finally brought the curtain down on all of this, I’d like to make some personal comments on the situation. Since day one, the committee involved in the ACP Enigma pointed to Sercan as one of few people in the ACP Administration with both the motive and the graphics knowledge to have been responsible for the edits. Though the motive has changed from loyalty to Cas to a wish to overthrow him, the motive still remains. This picture has been around for a little while since the Casiusbrutus File Dump was released to us in December.

In the picture above, Sercan denies knowledge of who was responsible for the event. Flipmoo, in File 427B, suggests Casiusbrutus himself was responsible for the fakings. Capncook, in his private investigation, suggested Sercan’s innocence. However, my senior source knowledgeable to the ACP presents me with evidence that proves all of the above claims wrong, and proves our original assumption since September — that Sercan was responsible for the picture fakings — correct.

Further confirming these suspicious is a conversation released to CPAC by another anonymous person with knowledge of the matter, where Sercan appears to reference “others” who took part in the picture editing, taken on Saturday, before either of CPAC’s recent reports was released.

May I remind you guys, this is only one of the ACP posts that are found online, if I really did care I could make these posts into a series.

This Is Getting Boring


We’re bored

Pls log on next time


Max: 8






